Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 37 - Merritt, BC to Chilliwack, BC

June 22, 2010
184 km

Today was day two of the crazy death mountains of the 97c and it was hard and discouraging but a nice lady offered me juice and a banana at the summit which made my day. When I called home I received the news that I was denied my application for OSAP for the fall and instead of panicking like I usually do I stayed calm and rational, that is how I know I finally found what I was looking for on this trip. I am so proud of myself for how far I have come, both geographically and mentally. I no longer fear being alone, talking with strangers, asking for things, and deep water. My self confidence is through the roof and I am 100% satisfied with how the trip turned out. I know I can accomplish anything and I know I am smart, determined and can do anything I want. However the greatest truth I have discovered is that life is better when shared with others. The best times on this trip were with friends or people I met along the way. That being said I have seen enough and I have learned everything I could about myself for one adventure so I have decided to fly home from Vancouver. Tomorrow I will reach the west coast and will spend 10 days there and fly to Toronto to visit with Genny for a bit and to see my sister in London. Don't think this as a failure but rather as an early success. I am proud of what I have done and I know I could do it again if I wanted to. The only reason to stay would be for other people and I have nothing to prove to anyone. I am very happy and I will be very happy to come home with my head held high. Now I just need to face my fear of airplanes.

Day 36 - Kelowna, BC - Merritt, BC

June 21, 2010
139 km

I was sad to leave Kelowna as I had so much fun and I knew I had two of the worst days ahead of me. At least one is down now. For the first 50 km of the day it was a constant hill with a summit at 1700 m above sea level, then came the downhill part that was muzzled by the strong wind. I am getting low on money and food so I spent $20 in Merritt on a good supply of groceries which leaves me with $20 till Vancouver. The groceries should last until Abbotsford. For the first time on the trip I was brave enough to bike around asking people if I could use their backyard and got one near the highway with a nice family. It feels so good to have self-confidence and little anxiety. This trip is helping me so much. At times I do feel like quitting but then I think about all the great things I would have missed if I had given up then. So off to bed bed I go in my tent for the first time since Saskatchewan after eating my canned chili. I will try not to think about how painful tomorrow will be.

Day 35 - Kelowna

June 20, 2010

First thing is first, Happy Fathers Day. I found a payphone and had a conversation with my dad for a half hour. By the time I got back Dillion was awake so we went for coffee and discussed graffiti art which ended up in a political conversation. The best part about this trip is meeting new people and discussing any topic. I am learning new things, I am getting better at debating, I am becoming more open minded and more tolerant of opposing viewpoints. When Chris got up we spent and hour picking cherries and then took the canoe across Okanagan Lake to Bear Creek park. We made it after consuming a few too many beer and then hiked a hill/trail. A storm had started to build but we had no choice but to paddle back against the wind and rain. It was probably a bad idea as there were no other boats on the water, there was lightning and strong wind but we made it. We were all tired and I was sore so the extra day off didn't do much. We made dinner and watched a Ralph Nader documentary. Sadly this will probably be the last time I see Chris and Dillion.

Day 34 - Kelowna

June 19, 2010

It was the nicest day I have ever seen since starting this trip. In fact it is so hot out that I am really glad that I don't have to bike today. I walked around downtown before everyone was up and got some groceries. When I got back people were waking up. Late last night Chris ended up taking in two more couch surfers and they keep eating all my food which is pissing me off because I am so poor. I found a cherry tree in Chris' front yard that fills any spare time I have, it's so delicious. We all hiked a mountain in the afternoon and hung out at a beach followed by some amazing Indian Food for dinner. I found out the highway to Merritt, the Okanagan Connector, is the second highest pass in BC and that the Coquihalla from Merritt to Hope is pretty bad too, so I am dreading those rides. I decided to stay one more day to rest up and hang out with Chris and his roomate Dillion.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 33 - Revelstoke, BC to Kelowna, BC

June 18, 2010
197 km

I am sore and really exhausted, probably because I thought it would be a good idea to compress 6 days of riding in the mountains into 3. Its hard not to push myself though, I am so excited for Vancouver and I am so close. The scenery has changed a bit, I am now spending the majority of the day in low valleys with the densest forests I have ever seen. I think I am in the Okanagan Valley. Once I got to Sicamous it was time to leave highway 1 for the first time since I crossed into Manitoba. I have chosen the southern highways as there is more to see. I got a flat tire right outside of Sicamous but this one was understandable, it was a huge long piece of metal. A couple from the UK stopped and drove me back to town to pump my tire. From this point on it was rolling hills into the wind but it was beautiful lake country. I stopped for lunch in Vernon and for some much needed Booster Juice. Vernon seemed like a nice place but I was determined to make it to Kelowna, mainly because I had someone to stay with. My host today is Chris and he and his roomates are quite fun. I really pushed hard to get here but I think it is going to be good. Weather is nice, tomorrow is Saturday and I am in Kelowna for a couple nights how could it not be good.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 32 - Golden, BC to Revelstoke, BC

June 17, 2010
153 km

Today was suppose to be my mother's birthday and I find it suiting that it should be the same day that I wake in British Columbia for the first time, or that it is one month from when I left home or that today I meet with Roger's Pass, the hill that I have feared since I started. I dedicated today's ride to her even though she would have never wanted me to go she would have been the first person to say how proud she was of me. It didn't take long for the climbing to start. Even before Roger's Pass I had to climb Donald hill. I spent 80 km of a 150 km day climbing. This was the most beautiful and intimate day with the mountains so the reward out weighs the struggle. I am still not quite sure what a glacier is but I saw them all day. By 2 o'clock I made it to the peak of Roger's Pass (That is 3 hours behind Soo time as I am now in Pacific Standard Time as of today). Everyone at the Roger's Pass vistor centre was very encouraging when I spoke with them and they were very excited to tell me that it was pretty much all down hill to Vancouver, aka all uphill on the way back. In Revelstoke I called Chad, my couchsurfing host here. He told me that he would not be in until way late but to make myself at home. I cooked bean burritos, potatoes and corn and watched Back To The Future. I am hoping to get to Kelowna tomorrow which is almost 200 km but if I can't make it I have other cities along the way that I can stop in. NO FLATS TODAY although my back tire is starting to make a noise. It sounds like me spending more money that I don't have.

Day 31 - Canmore, AB to Golden BC

June 16, 2010
170 km

It was a usually crappy morning with my daily flat tire so I had to find a bike shop before leaving. Apprently the problem was that my tires were so worn that everything was eaily breaking through and stabbing my tubes. So I spent $125 on new thicker tires. It was terribly cold outside, felt like winter but none of this can bother me because I can see the Rockies. Also sweet existentialism provided me with my first elk sighting on the way back into town as well as two black bunnies. The ride was enjoyable and pretty flat to Lake Louise. Once I got there I called my couchsurfing host and he did not answer his phone so I can called a host in Golden and he was able to take me in early so I moved on. This is where the mountains came in. It was called Kicking Horse Canyon and it was so long that it was nicknamed 10 mile hill. Fortunatly 75 percent of the time I was going down hill but that just means I have to do the opposite when I turn around. I nearly had a heart attack earlier in the day when I was slowly climbing a small hill and saw a black bear with two of the smallest, cutest cubs ever. I almost hurt myself trying to get away, I even got my bear spray ready just in case but they could care less and just walked away. Not even one minute later as my heart started to slow down I look out of the corner of my eye to see the biggest moose I have ever seen running at me so I let out the loudest scream and he just did a quick 180 degree turn and ran away. Once I got to Golden I started to hear a noise and found out I lost two bolts to my rear rack. Somehow they fell off but luckily for me there was still a bike shop that was open. John, my couching surfing host, had prepared a delicious meal for when I finally got there, it was very thoughful and it felt so good to have a home cooked meal. I felt a bit bad eating as much as I did but he didn't seem to mind and I was so hungry. I am so excited to say I am in British Columbia!